If you could teach the entire world one concept, what would it be?
The last few Make it Better Tables (MiBT) were full to overflowing, so when there were a few cancellations to a gathering that was always going to be smaller in number, we briefly contemplated cancelling. However, it became obvious as people arrived – yet again – that our rule of whoever comes is the right people stands up whether there are four or forty people in the room.
The challenging question for this unique group of people was If you could teach the entire world one concept, what would it be? This prompted a rich and fulfilling conversation, facilitated by Paul, which delightfully ran down rabbit holes, took unexpected turns and allowed people to share what was on their hearts openly. One of our newest MiBT participants fearlessly led us off by declaring that they would want to teach people to “truly value difference” which led to an engrossing conversation about “valuing difference rather than just accepting it” and how to respond to people who don’t value diversity. A challenging sub question was how to accept people who were radically different to us, and even steadfastly against us or what we believed in.
Other statements also kicked off similarly rich dialogue, encompassing concepts as deep humility, degrowth (as opposed to sustainability in a world approach a climate tipping point), and realising that all our actions have an impact (externalities).
In terms of degrowth, one participant put it boldly: “Degrowth is about our addiction to consumption. We often put a lot of pressure on individuals to implement degrowth practises, but we need corporations and governments to declutter, to divest themselves. We need to ask, ‘What are the limits to growth?’ because we have gone past the idea of sustainability.”
In terms of living in a world that faces such challenges, there are a few options; one, is to look purely out for one’s own circle; another is to give up. Paul challenged us to embrace Margaret Wheatley’s idea of being “islands of sanity” in a sea of chaos.
The MiBTs are deliberately organic, allowing conversation, silence and the sharing of ideas and hearts to generate unique outcomes from each Table. It is always our hope that people go away from these tables with an action, a quote, something that will be a catalyst for further and systemic change that we can help be a part of or, at the very least, be a conversation partner with.