A Workation is a working retreat, where during the day you do your own work, and in the evenings you share dinner and conversation with other people from the broader Make it Better Community.
The extraordinarily beautiful natural environment, the other wonderful people on Workation, and the kind and warm hospitality induce both productivity and regeneration.
Some Workation participants have used the opportunity to do more creative thinking and planning than normal routines and commitments allow, others find spaces to hold online meetings and other normal work activities.
From late afternoon the fridge is open and the evening is spent in slow conversation around the dining table, on the deck in the setting sun or around the large open fire. Each evening, mealtime is like a Make it Better Table, where the host offers a question to ponder together.
Workations are hosted at Make it Better’s Venus Bay property. There are a set of frequently asked questions and answers about staying at the property here.
Workations begin on Tuesdays with lunch and finish after breakfast on Fridays. To defray costs, Workation participants contribute $750 for the three full days. ($500 for the second person in the same double room).
February 20th - 23rd
May 7th - 10th
October 22nd - 25th